The main role of our M-SAT Outreach is to excite grades K-12 about the wonders of space and engage youth in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Each event is different, but all have an emphasis on space-related topics. Different activities include: local school visits and presentations about rocket science, hands-on electronics demonstrations, rocket building, assisting in the earning of space exploration merit badges, demonstrations of flight simulators and wind tunnels, and much more.
We understand that the youth of today are the scientists, leaders, and engineers of tomorrow, and want to play a role in fostering a passion for space exploration and advancement.
Fall Semester
MinerLink’s – Minerama
Kummer Center’s – STEM Day
AIAA Chili Cook Off
Spring Semester
MinerLink’s – Spring O’Rama
Kummer Center’s – National Engineering Week
AIAA Showcase