
Recent Publications
Davis, J., Pernicka, H. J., “Proximity Operations About and Identification of Non-Cooperative Resident Space Objects Using Stereo Imaging,” Acta Astronautica, Special Issue: Space Situational Awareness, DOI 10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.10.033.
Jennings, D. and Pernicka, H. “Numerical Determination of Natural Spacecraft Formations Near the Collinear Libration Points,” presented at the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Yellowstone Conference Center, Big Sky, Montana, March 7-14, 2020.
Davis, J. and Pernicka, H. “Development of Cooperative Vision-Based Navigation Techniques Using Neural Networks,” presented at the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Yellowstone Conference Center, Big Sky, Montana, March 7-14, 2020.
Craft, K., Darling, J. and Pernicka, H. “Performance Determination of a Multi-Mode Thruster using GPS and Star Tracker Data,” presented at the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Yellowstone Conference Center, Big Sky, Montana, March 7-14, 2020.
Davis, J. and Pernicka, H. “Spacecraft Identification Using Neural Networks for Constellation, Formation, and Swarm Missions,” presented at the 2020 AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, Florida, January 6-10, 2020.
Reynolds, A., Hosder, S. and Pernicka, H.J., “Application of a Six Degrees-of-Freedom Drag Model for Small Satellite Mission Development” presented as paper SSC19-VIII-01 at the 33rd Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, Utah, August 3-8, 2019.
Davis, J., Reynolds, A., Anklesaria, Y., Schmidt, J. and Pernicka, H. J., “Development of a High-Altitude Balloon CubeSat Platform for Small Satellite Education and Research,” presented as poster SSC19-WP1-03 at the 33rd Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, Utah, August 3-8, 2019.
Reynolds, A. and Pernicka, H. J., “Design and Verification of a Stereoscopic Imager for Use in Spacecraft Close Proximity Operations,” presented as paper AAS 19-015 at the 42nd Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, Breckenridge, CO, January 31 – February 6, 2019.
Newberry, D., Mayhall, B., Western, D., Jennings, D., and Pernicka, H. J., “Application of Predictive Control for Desired Attitude Stabilization with Magnetic Actuators,” presented as paper AAS 19-015 at the 42nd Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, Breckenridge, CO, January 31 – February 6, 2019.
D. Jennings, J. Davis, P. Galchenko, “Verification and Validation of Student-Designed Guidance, Navigation, and Control Algorithms”
P. Galchenko and H. J. Pernicka, “Precision Control of Microsatellite Swarms using Plasmonic Force Propulsion,” AAS 18-472, Presented at the 2018 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Snowbird, UT, August 2018.
D. M. Jennings, J. C. Davis, P. Galchenko, H. J. Pernicka, “Validation of a GNC Algorithm Using a Stereoscopic Imaging Sensor to Conduct Close Proximity Operations,” AAS 18-015, Vol. 164, Proceedings of the 41st Annual AAS Rocky Mountain Section Guidance and Control Conference, Breckenridge, CO, Feb 2018, pp. 47-58.
Davis, J. and Pernicka, H. J., “Proximity Operations About and Identification of Noncooperative Resident Space Objects Using Stereo Imaging,” presented at the 1st IAA Conference on Space Situational Awareness (ICSSA), Orlando, FL., November 12-15, 2017.
P. Galchenko and H. J. Pernicka, “Precision Formation Flying and Spacecraft Pointing Using Plasmonic Force Propulsion,” AAS 17-831 Vol. 162, Proceedings of the 2017 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Stevenson, WA, Aug 2017, pp. 2958-2997.
J. C. Davis, P. Galchenko, D. M. Jennings, and H. J. Pernicka, “Development and Validation of a GNC Algorithm Using a Stereoscopic Imaging Sensor in Close Proximity Operations,” AAS 17-841, Vol. 162, Proceedings of the 2017 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Stevenson, WA, Aug 2017, pp. 2149- 3161.
S. Withrow, B. Morton, “On-Orbit CubeSat Performance Validation of a Multi-Mode Micropropulsion System,” Frank J. Redd Student Competition at the 2017 SmallSat Conference.
S. Withrow, M. Klosterman, “Multi-Mode Micropropulsion Systems Enabling Swarm Technology,” AIAA Region V Student Conference.
A. Case, “Communication Systems for CubeSat Missions,” International Telemetry Conference, vol. 52.
A. Case, “Software Defined Radio Methodologies for CubeSat Reliability,” 27th Annual NASA – Missouri Space Grant Consortium.
B. Holland, “Multi-Mode Thruster Development for CubeSat Flight Demonstration,” 27th Annual NASA – Missouri Space Grant Consortium.
J. Miller, “Developing Flight Software for the Nanosat 8 Satellite Project,” 27th Annual NASA – Missouri Space Grant Consortium.
D. Newberry, “Design and Testing of the Flight Computer for a SmallSat Propulsion System Testbed,” 27th Annual NASA – Missouri Space Grant Consortium.
Conference Presentations
LeGrand, K., DeMars, K., and Pernicka, H., “Probabilistic Initial Relative Orbit Determination,” Proceedings of the 4S Symposium, Majorca, Spain, 2014
Darling, J., DeMars, K., McCabe, J., and Pernicka, H., “Linear and Unscented Covariance Analysis for Spacecraft Close Proximity Relative Navigation,” presented as paper AAS 14-257 at the 24th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 26-30, 2014.
LeGrand, K., DeMars, K., and Pernicka, H., “Initial Relative Orbit Determination Using Multiple LOS Measurements and Gaussian Mixture Models,” presented as paper AAS 14-292 at the 24th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 26-30, 2014.
LeGrand, K., Pernicka, H.J., and DeMars, K., “Initial Relative Orbit Determination Using Stereoscopic Imaging and Gaussian Mixture Models,” presented as paper SSC13-VIII-6 at the 27th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, Utah, August 10-15, 2013.
Malott, L., Palangpour, P., and Pernicka, H.J., “Small Spacecraft Software Modeling: A Petri Net-Based Approach,” presented as paper SSC13-VIII-6 at the 27th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, Utah, August 10-15, 2013.
McCall, P., Gildo, T., Darling, J., LeGrand, K., Liu, C. and Pernicka, H., “Many-Core Computing for Space-based Stereoscopic Imaging,” presented as paper 2808 3 in Session: 7.03 Multi- and Many-Core Computing in Space: Hardware and Software at the 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 2-9, 2013.
Darling, J., LeGrand, K., Pernicka, H., and Lovell, T.A., “Close Proximity Operations Using Stereoscopic Imaging,” presented as paper AAS 13-415 at the 23rd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Lihue, Hawaii, February 10-14, 2013.
Mahajan, B., Pernicka, H., and, Darling, J., “Orbit Determination of an Uncooperative RSO Using a Stereo Vision-Based Sensor,” presented as paper AAS 13-434 at the 23rd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Lihue, Hawaii, February 10-14, 2013.
Searcy, J. and Pernicka, H.J., “Magnetometer-Only Attitude Determination Using Two-Step Kalman Filter,” to appear in Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics; also, presented as paper AAS 11-572 at the Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, Girdwood, Alaska, July 31-August 4, 2011.
Pahl, R., Tutza, C., Pernicka, H., and Rovey, J., “Design, Test, and Validation of a Refrigerant-Based Cold-Gas Propulsion System for Small Satellites,” presented as paper SSC10-VIII-6 at the 24st Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, Utah, August 9-12, 2010.
Aggarwal, S., Pernicka, H., and Balakrishnan, S.N., “Optimal Control of a Sun-Synchronous Lunar Orbiter,” presented as paper AIAA-2007-6845 at the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, Hilton Head, South Carolina, August 20-23, 2007.
Dancer, M.W., Searcy, J.D., and Pernicka, H., “Orbit/Attitude Determination and Control for the UMR SAT Mission,” presented as paper SSC07-IX-6 at the 21st Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, Utah, August 13-16, 2007.
Dancer, M., Searcy, J., Walker, D., and Pernicka, H., “Attitude Determination And Control System For The University Of Missouri-Rolla Satellite Mission,” AAS Guidance and Control Conference, Breckenridge, CO, February 3-7, 2007.
Seubert, C., Norgren, C. “Refrigerant-Based Propulsion System for Small Spacecraft,” 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Cincinatti, OH, July 8-10, 2007.
Seubert, C., Pernicka, H., et al. “Feasibility of Developing a Refrigerant-Based Propulsion System for Small Spacecraft,” SSC07-III-4, 21st Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, Ut, August 13-16, 2007.
Dancer, M., Searcy, J. “MR SAT Orbit Determination Using the Theta-D Filter,” AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit, Keystone, CO, August 21-24, 2006.
Carlson, B.A., Pernicka, H.J., and Balakrishnan, “Discrete Maneuver Formationkeeping at Libration Points L1 and L2” presented as paper AAS 05-194 at the AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting, Copper, Colorado, January 23-27 2005.
Tolbert, D.R. and Pernicka, H.J., “Orbit Optimization for Regenerative Aerobraking at Mars,” presented as paper AAS 05-355 at the Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, South Lake Tahoe, California, August 7-11, 2005.
Xin, M., Balakrishnan, S.N., and Pernicka, H.J., “Multiple Spacecraft Formation Control With Theta-D Method,” presented at the 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 4-8, 2005.
Pernicka, H.J., Carlson, B.A., and Balakrishnan, S.N., “Spacecraft Formation Flight about Libration Points”, presented at the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference as paper AIAA 2004-4737, Providence, Rhode Island, August 16-19, 2004.
Pernicka, H.J., Dancer, M., Abrudan, A., Harrington, J. “Simulation of the Dynamics of a Short Tethered Satellite System”, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit, Providence, RI, August 16-19, 2004.
Vignal, P. and Pernicka, H.J., “Close Formation Spacecraft Formation Keeping,” presented as paper AAS 04-296 at the 14th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Maui, Hawaii, February 8-12, 2004.
Xin, M., Balakrishnan, S.N., and Pernicka, H. “Deep-Space Spacecraft Formation Flying Using Control,” presented at the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference as paper AIAA 2004-4784, Providence, Rhode Island, August 16-19, 2004.
Xin, M., Dancer, M. W., Balakrishnan, S.N., and Pernicka, H.J. “Stationkeeping of an L2 Libration Point Satellite with Theta-D Technique”, presented at the American Control Conference, Boston, MA, June 30-July 2, 2004.
McMillan, Garret. Small Satellite Earth-to-Moon Direct Transfer Trajectories Using the CR3BP, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2019.
Watson, Andrew. Analyzing the Effects of Attitude Errors when Quantifying the On-Orbit Performance of a CubeSat Micropropulsion Systems, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2019.
Withrow-Maser, Shannah. Program Management for Concurrent University Satellite Programs, Including Propellant Feed System Design Elements, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2019.
Morton, Brayden. Quantifying On-Orbit Peformance of CubeSat Micropropulsion Systems by Observing Orbital Element Variations, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2018.
Boushon, Katelyn. Thermal Analysis and Control of Small Satallites in Low Earth Orbit, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2018.
Hanna, Jeremiah. Liquid Pulsed Plasma Thruster Plasma Plume Investigation and Mr-SAT Cold Gas Propulsion System Performance Analysis, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2017.
Darling, Jacob. Bayesian Inference for Dynamic Pose Estimation Using Directional Statistics, Ph.D. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2016.
Bani, Abdalla. Design and Analysis of an Axisymmetric Aerospike Supersonic Micro-Nozzle for a Refrigerant-Based Cold-Gas Propulsion System for Small Satallites, M.S. Thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2016.
LeGrand, Keith. Space-Based Relative Multitarget Tracking, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2015.
Searcy, Jason. Observability-Enhanced Dual-Filter Design for Attitude Estimation with Minimum Observations, Ph.D. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2013.
Anklesaria, Yezad. Structural Analysis of Microsatellites, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2012.
Meub, James. Continuous Low Thrust for Small Spacecraft Proximity Operations, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2011.
Sanders, Tonya. Shaker Table Vibration Testing of a Microsatellite, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2011.
Searcy, Jason. Magnetometer-Only Attitude Determination with Application to the M-SAT Mission, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2011.
Pahl, Ryan. Integration and Test of a Refrigerant-Based Cold Gas Propulsions System for Small satellites, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2010.
Dancer, Michael. Analysis of the Theta-D Filter as Applied to Hit-to-Kill Interceptors and Satellite Orbit Determination, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2010.
Miller, Shawn. Management of a University Satellite Program with Focus on a Refrigerant-Based Propulsion System, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2010.
Siebert, Joseph. Design, Hazard Analysis, and System Level Testing of a University Propulsion System, M.S. thesis, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2009.
Harl, Nathan. Low-Thrust Control of a Lunar Orbiter. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2007.
Seubert, Carl Reiner. Refrigerant-Based Propulsion System for Small Spacecraft. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2007.
Stewart, Abbie Marie. A Guide To The Establishment Of A University Satellite Program. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2007.
Walker, David Randall. Control of the Attitude System for the UMR SAT Project. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2007.
Ziegler, Lori Ann. Configuration, Manufacture, Assembly, and Integration of a University Microsatellite. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2007.
Carlson, Brian. Spacecraft Formation Flight About Libration Points. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2005.
Tolbert, Douglas. Orbit Optimization for Regenerative Aerobraking at Mars. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2005.
Bapat, Shriram Vasant. Thermal Analysis of the MR SAT Spacecraft. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2004.
Renduchintala, Satyakishore Venkata. Design and analysis of a tether system for MR SAT. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2004.
Stehly, Joseph Shaw. Dynamic Modeling of the Attitude for the MR SAT Mission. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2004.
Vignal, Pierre Jean. Chasing Process of the MR SAT Project. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2003.
Journal Publications
LeGrand, K., DeMars, K., and Pernicka, H., “Bearings-only Initial Relative Orbit Determination,” to appear, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2015
Malott, L., Palangpour, P., Pernicka, H.J. and Chellappan, S. “Small Spacecraft Software Modeling: A Petri Net-Based Approach”, AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, accepted February 10, 2014.
Searcy, J. and Pernicka, H.J., “Magnetometer-Only Attitude Determination Using Two-Step Kalman Filter, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics; also presented as paper AAS 11-572 at the Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, Girdwood, Alaska, July 31-August 4, 2011.
Xin, M., Balakrishnan, S.N., Pernicka, H.J., “Position and Attitude Control of Deep-Space Spacecraft Formation Flying via Virtual Structure and Theta-D Technique”, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, accepted.
Xin, M., Balakrishnan, S.N., Pernicka, H.J., “Libration Point Stationkeeping Using the Theta-D Technique,” accepted, Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, August 2007.
Xin, M., Balakrishnan, S.N., Pernicka, H.J., “Multiple Spacecraft Formation Control with Theta-D Method”, IET Control Theory and Applications, March 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 485-493.
Pernicka, H.J., Carlson, B.A., and Balakrishnan, S.N. “Spacecraft Formation Flight About Libration Points Using Impulsive Maneuvering”, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 29, No. 5, September-October 2006, pp. 1122-1130.
Vignal, P. and Pernicka, H.J., “Low-Thrust Spacecraft Formation Keeping”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 43, No. 2, March-April 2006, pp. 466-475.